The Ocean is
Our Classroom
Innovation is core to our organization. Our aim is to pioneer the space and identify what’s next through trend spotting and early-stage adoption of technologies, to leverage these tools to better understand our oceans and its inhabitants.
Innovating sensor-technology to study the secret lives of sharks: Working with researchers from Trinity College in Dublin and Florida International University, we have been applying high-resolution data-loggers to sharks and recording their every move, revealing incredible new insights into thermal biology, adaptation, and movement. We’ve also begun collaborating with Massachusetts Institute of Technology to co-opt and apply nanotechnology and sensors into studies of marine species.
Key scientific publications:
50 published papers since 2015 on threatened species conservation. A handful of new discoveries, syntheses, and development of innovative tools. These include:
• Using underwater cameras quantify the effect sharks have on food webs
(PLOS ONE, Ecology & Evolution)
• Evaluating how white sharks are affected by capture and release
(Endangered Species Research)
• Discovering a new, unique species of hammerhead shark (PLOS ONE)
• First ever video recordings of deep-water sharks (Journal of Ocean Science Foundation)
• Systematic review on hammerhead shark biology (Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries)