The Ocean is
Our Classroom


Advancing Scientific Dicovery for Threatened Species

Innovation is core to our organization. Our aim is to pioneer the space and identify what’s next through trend spotting and early-stage adoption of technologies, to leverage these tools to better understand our oceans and its inhabitants.




Discovery of new deep-sea hotspots for threatened species: Through cutting-edge exploration science, we have gathered new information on a several deep-sea hotspots for sharks in the Caribbean. This research has uncovered a potential mating ground for tiger sharks in the twilight zone, from 200-1000m deep. An increased focus on this area will continue through 2024.


Innovating sensor-technology to study the secret lives of sharks: Working with researchers from Trinity College in Dublin and Florida International University, we have been applying high-resolution data-loggers to sharks and recording their every move, revealing incredible new insights into thermal biology, adaptation, and movement. We’ve also begun collaborating with Massachusetts Institute of Technology to co-opt and apply nanotechnology and sensors into studies of marine species.


Key scientific publications:

50 published papers since 2015 on threatened species conservation. A handful of new discoveries, syntheses, and development of innovative tools. These include:

• Using underwater cameras quantify the effect sharks have on food webs
(PLOS ONE, Ecology & Evolution)

• Evaluating how white sharks are affected by capture and release
(Endangered Species Research)

• Discovering a new, unique species of hammerhead shark (PLOS ONE)

• First ever video recordings of deep-water sharks (Journal of Ocean Science Foundation)

• Systematic review on hammerhead shark biology (Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries)