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Welcome to The Next-Generation Ocean Conservation NGO.

Want to get involved in the ocean conservation discussion and drive real, tangible impact? The oceans can be restored by 2050, but we need your help.

Beneath The Waves

Founded in 2014 as a non-profit organization, Beneath The Waves is dedicated to promoting ocean health and using science and technology to catalyze ocean policy. We are broad in our approach, but we focus our work on protecting threatened species, establishing protected areas, and creating nature-based solutions to climate change.

We collaborate with governments, the general public, and the private sector to scale our impact. Our conservation science is driving tangible and defensible conservation outcomes, while bringing conservation messages to the masses through our unique storytelling and media platform.

Our Ocean Initiatives


Marine Protected Areas

Blue Carbon


Threatened Species


Deep-Sea Conservation

Our Conservation Impact


Why Protect the Ocean?

The ocean is our planet’s largest ecosystem. It regulates climate and weather patterns, provides food, energy and minerals to humanity, stores carbon and produces the oxygen we breathe while also holding important recreational, cultural and aesthetic value. However, in recent decades, much of the ocean has become degraded. From the overfishing of sharks to the warming of its coral reefs to widespread plastics pollution, the health of our oceans is now at a critical tipping point. With the human population expected to increase, these impacts will only get worse.

Ocean conservation has become a global phenomenon. There’s a surging interest in bringing together NGOs, governments, business and industry leaders to strengthen the management of our oceans. However, this impact will not be realized without sound science and collaboration. Today, there are new opportunities to work together to generate the ocean science needed to support a sustainable future for our oceans.

Meet Our Partners